On August 3, twenty undergraduate students, representing 11 colleges and universities, their families, mentors and donors gathered to celebrate the conclusion of their internship at Moffitt. Over the summer, the interns participated in the SPARK and LINK training programs offered at Moffitt Cancer Center led by Drs. Doug Cress and Cathy Meade, respectively. Students gave a concise yet informative talk on their research project and then expertly fielded questions from the audience. A banquet followed the presentations featuring a talk by Meghan Ferrall-Fairbanks, a 2011 SPARK intern. Meghan reminisced about her time as an intern at Moffitt and how her experience influenced her to pursue a career in biomedical engineering. Meghan will come full circle when she returns to Moffitt Cancer Center soon as a postdoctoral fellow in the IMO Program. The competitive programs offer an intensive 10 week program where students create and complete a research project, including the presentation and a five page report at the end of the program. SPARK is generously funded by the Frank E. Duckwall Foundation, the Saunders Foundation and Moffitt's Foundation. LINK is funded through a competitive Cancer Center Support Grant supplement.